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শনিবার , জুলাই ২৭ ২০২৪
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Newly elected committee of Bangladesh IPTV Owners Federation

At a meeting of the Bangladesh IP TV Owners Federation, Salam Mahmud has been appointed as the chairman of the federation, AKM Junaid as the secretary general, Alhaj Lion Khan Md Akhtaruzzaman (MJF) and Lion Md Abdur Rahman as the vice chairman of the Bangladesh IP TV Owners Federation.

Other members of the executive committee are Executive Chairman-Md. Nuruddin Mollah (Crime NewsTV), Vice-Chairman-SM Morshed (AB TV), Vice-Chairman-Md. Monir Hossain Kazi (ITV Online), Vice-Chairman-Mohsin Ahmed Swapan (Banglasamay 24 TV),
Vice Chairman – Md. Sarwar Hossain (Tanim TV), Vice Chairman – Khadija Begum Nargis (71 Barta TV), Vice Chairman – Sheikh Mostafizur Rahman (FTV), Vice Chairman – Adv. Al Amin Rizvi (Supreme 24 TV), Finance Secretary-AK Azad (NFTV), Organizing Secretary-Md. Al-Mamun Selim Ar-Rashid Mayaraj (Bango TV), Executive Member-Syed Didar Bakht (Crime NewsTV) ).

A full committee will be formed very soon.

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